Plumb Corner Newsletter – December 2023

Some updates and reminders as we start a new month:

*Please make sure that your child has weather appropriate clothing and shoes as we will be going outside in the morning and afternoon weather permitted. This includes the babies as well! Also, please send your child in with extra clothes.

*Please remember each week to send in a clean sheet and blanket for rest time!

*The newsletter and project calendars will be posted on the website each month –

–The themes for this month’s projects are forest animals, England, Holidays around the world and hibernation. Preschool and Pre-K will be working on the letters JKL, number 4, color red, shape star and their big & bigger skills.

*PIZZA Day is on Tuesday, December 5th!

Wear red on Wednesday, December 13th!

Wear your Pajamas on Thursday, December 21st for Polar Express Day!

We will be CLOSED on Monday, December 25th!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out!