by countrysidechildcare | Apr 3, 2023 | Marion News
Hello Countryside Families! *Let’s wear PURPLE on Wednesday April 12th in honor of the color of the month *On Friday April 7th we will be having an Easter egg hunt out on the playground!!! *Tuition must be paid on a weekly basis on the kangarootime app. *Drop off is...
by Country Side | Feb 28, 2023 | Marion News
Hello Countryside Families! As we enter the month of March we have some updates and reminders: *Let’s wear GREEN on Friday March 17th in honor of St. Patrick’s Day and the color of the month! *Please make weekly payments on Kangarootime for your child’s tuition...
by countrysidechildcare | Feb 14, 2023 | Marion News
Hello Countryside families, as we enter the month of February we have some updates and reminders: *tuition must be paid on a weekly basis on the kangarootime app. If your account holds a balance your child may not return to the center until it is paid. *The center...
by Country Side | Jan 4, 2023 | Marion News
Hello countryside families, as we enter the month of January we have some updates and reminders: *Payments must be made weekly on kangaroo time. In addition, your child’s tuition must be paid in full in order to add an extra day if/when needed. *Please send your child...
by countrysidechildcare | Dec 7, 2022 | Marion News
Hello families of Countryside! As we enter the month of December we have some updates and reminders: *Let’s wear RED on Thursday December 15th in honor of the color of the month. *We will be having a Holiday movie and pajama party on Wednesday December 21st. *The...
by Country Side | Nov 10, 2022 | Marion News
As we enter the month of November we have some reminders and updates: *Let’s wear BROWN on Wednesday November 16th in honor of the color of the month *The center will be closed on Thursday November 24th and Friday November 25th HAPPY THANKSGIVING! *please label of...