15 Cranberry Highway Newsletter – February 2024

– Thursday, February 8th is PIZZA Day!

– Tuesday, February 13th is our favorite day. Pajama Day!

-Wednesday, February 14th is Valentine’s Day

please wear PINK or your favorite Valentine Shirt!

-Monday, February 19th we are CLOSED

Dr Seuss Days will be sent separately!

– Please make sure you are keeping backpacks at home unless it is Monday

as we have limited space

-Please, do not forget that if your child gets sent home with soiled clothes

that you bring in another outfit the following day.

-Make sure your children are wearing appropriate clothing such as hats, gloves,

and jackets as we do go outside daily.

-Children’s belongings should be labeled so there is no confusion on whose

is what as well as nothing getting left behind.

-Please check Kangarootime daily as updates on what your child needs is put into the app.

Valentines are allowed as we are asking for parents to just put their child’s name on the from and we will make Valentine’s goody bags to put them in throughout the week.

Infant- 11 total

Infant/Toddler- 14 total

Toddler/Preschool 1 + 2- 24 Total

Mrs. Olive/Mrs. Rachael – 26 Total

Ms. Victoria/ Ms. Kylie- 27 Total

The themes of this month’s projects are the following…France, Valentine’s Day, Nutrition and Dental Health. The Preschool and Pre-k classes will work on portfolio each day and focusing on the number 6, the color pink, letters P, Q, R, the shape is a Heart, and the skill is More/Less.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Center number is 774.678.0146

