Hello Countryside families, as we enter the month of May we have some updates and reminders:
*As the warmer weather approaches we will begin applying sunscreen in the afternoons as needed. Please make sure you have signed off on either the schools sunscreen or the sunscreen you will be supplying.
*Please label all of your child’s belongings: coats, hats, extra clothes, cups, etc.
*All payments are to be made weekly via the kangarootime app
*Toys from home must stay at home.
*Muffins with mom will be held on Friday May 6th! Mom’s please stick around at drop off and enjoy a muffin with your child
*The center will be closed on Mon. May 30th in honor of Memorial Day
This month’s themes are:
Mexico, Mother’s Day, Bugs, Flowers, Rainforest.
Portfolio for Preschool and Pre-k:
Number: 9 letters: XY color: orange shape: octagon skill: grouping
Feel free to contact us with any questions!
Erin & Bonnie