15 Cranberry Highway Newsletter – June 2023

June is for the start of Sunshine and Fun.

Reminder and Special Dates:

Thursday June 8th will be Pizza Day

Tuesday June 13th we will be wearing the color blue for the color of the month

Wednesday June 14th our PreK kids will be having their graduation ceremony

Thursday June 15th will be Donuts with Dad so please take a few extra minutes to enjoy a donut and juice with your child(ren) at drop off. Please be in by 9:00 to participate.

Thursday June 22nd will be Pj day

Tuesday June 27th is Hawaiian Day! Please Dress up and get ready to have a ho’olaule’a (celebration)

The themes for the month will be as followed: bugs, pond/ camping, Father’s Day, dinosaurs and Hawaii. The portfolio work consists of the number 10, the color blue, the Letter Z, the shape is a crescent and the skill is symmetry.

Any question’s or concern please feel free to reach out to…
